I should do WHAT with my SEO?!

By: John Elder posted in SEO

Hello good people!

In the world of SEO, there’s a lot of misinformation. Everyone seems to have their own little secret for ranking well at the search engines.

There’s your everyday “white hat” SEO who follows the rules and plays nice. There’s your “black hat” SEO who tries to trick the search engines and gain an unfair advantage. And in between there’s a vast army of middle ground SEO’s who may or may not know exactly what the heck they’re talking about.

I mean…any moron can throw up a web site, start spouting SEO knowledge, call himself the Marketing Fool and garner a legion of happy subscribers….uh….wait.

The point is, you have to be really careful who you listen to in the world of SEO. Even if someone claims to be an expert, chances are, they’re just rehashing some tired old SEO tactic that they heard some other guru spouting, who heard it from some other guy, who heard it from some other guy, who didn’t really understand it to begin with.

Unless you’re WORKING as an SEO day in day out, and by that I mean you are constantly building and ranking sites at the search engines so that you SEE what works and what doesn’t…you have no business teaching other people about SEO.

Of course, that doesn’t stop 95% of all SEO guru’s out there from spouting worthless (or worse yet, harmful) SEO gibberish.

So what’s a worried site owner to do? You just want to get your site ranked well and you want to be able to listen to someone you can trust to advise you on SEO.

Well, you’re here listening to me, and that’s a good step…..but you shouldn’t even really believe everything I say, though I am better than most, if I do say so myself! (end lame attempt at self-condescending humor)

You should test things for yourself…..

But not every one has the time or budget to test. In that case, here’s a great resource for you.

It’s called the Google Webmaster Central Blog and it’s the OFFICIAL google blog for all things webmaster related (read: SEO). There you can go straight to the horses mouth (wait, is that the correct saying? Sounds weird…) and get the skinny straight from Google.

Now, you just have to worry about whether THEY’RE telling you the truth, don’t worry, they usually are….

Where do you like to get your SEO info? Comment below…

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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