Google Wonder Wheel Keyword Tool

By: John Elder posted in SEO

Hello good people!

Ok let’s face it, SEO and most types of Internet Marketing is like 95% about keywords. There’s a ton of free and paid keyword tools out there that I’m sure you use, from the Micro Niche Finder Keyword Tool, to the totally free Google Keyword Tool and a dozen in between.

But if you’re feeling keyword overload, here’s a really cool little trick that’s totally free and insanely simple that will help clear the clutter and help you gain a little keyword perspective (and get a jump start on any keyword research).

Here’s what you do. Head over to Google. Type in any search phrase (make it related to whatever subject you are interested in doing keyword research about).

When the search results come up, click the little “SHOW OPTIONS” link there at the top of the page right under the search box.

On the left hand corner of the screen, a list of Google options should have popped up.

Look down that list till you see the option marked “Wonder Wheel” (I know, I know…weird name!) and then click it.

Bam! Up pops a cool mind-map looking picture of your search term with spokes shooting off of it. At the end of each spoke is a new and related keyword.

What are these keywords? I have no idea! But Google seems to think that they are important and very related to whatever keyword or phrase you typed in. Depending on what you typed in, there’s probably like 8-10 keywords listed and nice picture form.

I’d suggest you open up your Google Docs Keyword Research Spreadsheet and copy those keyword suggestions in there. Next I’d run them through both the Google keyword tool to get basic data, and then run them through the Micro Niche Finder Keyword Tool (if you own it) to get more advanced competition data for each of them. Then enter that data into your Google Docs Spreadsheet.

Why mention the Google Wonder Wheel? Isn’t it just one more tool to add to the clutter of your keyword research? Maybe. But it’s so simple. 8-10 related keywords shown in nice picture-form for free. *shrugs* Seems like a great quick way to churn out highly freaking relevant keyword ideas (hey it’s coming straight from Google and when Google deigns to give us free data, We Take It!).

What do you think of the Google Wonder Wheel? Comment Below!

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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