A Clever Tip To Boost Your Search Rankings And Drive Massive Traffic To Your Site

By: John Elder posted in SEO

Hello good people!

In SEO it’s all about getting a top ten ranking under a certain keyword. That’s what we all work for around the clock. It’s the holy grail.

The game is pretty straight forward; you pick your keywords using solid keyword research, then go to work optimizing those keywords on your web site and aggressively work on link building from other sites.

Get enough OTHER web sites to link to your site using those exact keywords as the anchor text of the link, and eventually you’ll crack into the top ten at Google for that keyword (provided you get more links – and/or higher quality links – than the other sites that are currently listed in the top ten at Google).

Like I said, it’s pretty straight forward, but it can be a real pain in the backside. Nobody really likes link building because it’s tedious and/or expensive if you outsource it or hire some seo person to do it for you.

Luckily There’s A Shortcut That Hardly Anyone Takes Advantage Of…


Most people overlook Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) as a real source of info, but you shouldn’t…and here’s why…

If you log into GWT, you can find out which keywords your web site is currently ranking for and their average rank numbers.

Why is that important? Because its a WHOLE lot easier to improve your ranking for a keyword that Google already recognizes as being related to your site than it is to rank under a wholly new keyword.

For instance, GWT might tell you that you are currently ranked in spot #67 for the keyword “Purple Sock Puppets”. Instead of spending your time or money getting your web site ranked under some other keyword, spend your time or money link building for the phrase “Purple Sock Puppets”.

It’s much easier to move your site from the #67 ranking to the #5 ranking then it is to focus on a whole other keyword that Google doesn’t even recognize as being related to your web site.

Once you’ve optimized and built links to your site for all the dozens or hundreds of Keywords that Google already has you listed under (and are ranking in the top ten for most of them), *then* you can focus on link building on other keywords….

Most people ignore this tip completely and miss out on some easy rankings…

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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