How To Pick A Niche

By: John Elder posted in Niche Adsense Sites

Building Niche Adsense Websites…Part 2.

Hello good people!

Just a quick heads up that my php spinner eBook‘s price has gone up to $99 now like I promised. I’m trying to reply to those of you who missed out and emailed me asking to extend, but the extension is already over and the price won’t come back down. Sorry.

Today I’m going to continue on with our new project and talk about picking a niche for your Niche Adsense website.

This is a topic that confuses a lot of people because they tend to overthink it. There are tons of tools out there that you can buy that help with Keyword research and niche selection. I’ve used many of them in the past.

But the simple truth is, you don’t need a fancy tool or any real keyword research to pick a niche.

Granted if you want some basic keyword data, you can always use the free Google Keyword Tool (search for it at Google). I use it all the time for different things, but not really for picking my niche.

Why Not?

Understandably, most people want to pick a niche that gets good levels of search engine traffic and has as little competition as possible. You can spend months pouring over data to find these gems.

I don’t bother.

I follow some basic general guidelines when picking a niche.

  • It must be product based
  • It helps if there are many different brands
  • I have to be somewhat interested in it
  • How much time do I want to devote to building the site?

And really…that’s about all I look for.

So lets just take an example. How about Golf.

That’s a niche. It’s pretty broad, but it’s definitely a product based niche, there are lots of different brands, I’m somewhat interested in it. Basically it comes down to how much time I want to spend on building the web site.

Broad = more time to build

Why? Because there’s lots of subcategories to cover. Golf clubs, golf balls, golf shoes, golf carts, golf this, golf that. And each of them will have many brands within the subcategory to cover. So it’s going to take longer to build that site.

That’s not necessarily bad…just something to keep in mind.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time building the web site, then try to narrow it down to one of the sub categories. Like Golf Clubs.

Or even better yet, Golf Irons, or Golf Putters.

The more specific you can make your niche, the quicker it will be to make your web site and the easier it will be to market and promote your site.

So what niche should we pick for our project here? I’m inclined to pick a broader niche and really do it up…but there’s something to be said about building a tightly focused sub niche web site.

Any thoughts?

Coming up with niche ideas is as easy as walking through your local big box store like Wal-Mart or Target and looking around.

Remember, it MUST be product based because ultimately we’re going to make our money by selling ads and affiliate programs on the site and you can’t do that for things that people don’t buy!

Next time, I’ll reveal the niche we’ll be building and talk about picking an URL for your site…it can make a big difference!

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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