Building Niche Adsense Websites

By: John Elder posted in Niche Adsense Sites

Introduction…Part One.

Hello good people!

First a quick announcement: since it took me a day or two to throw up a secure online order form for my Webpage Spinning eBook, I’m going to go ahead and extend the special $39 price till midnight tonight (Central Time – Monday April 16th). After that the price goes back up to $99, no exceptions. Grab it now at the discount price before it’s too late!

It’s time to change course a little bit…

Today is my 100th post on this blog! I think it’s time to mix things up.

For the last six months I’ve focused this blog on what I like to call my “thin site” adsense methods. Basically, millions of autogenerated pages on thousands of websites with spun content that target long tail keywords. Each site brings in about a dollar a day in adsense income, but you churn out thousands of sites and all is well…

Now I want to spend the next few weeks talking about another of my Adsense methods…what I like to call niche Adsense websites. In the Adsense food chain, you’d consider these a slightly higher quality type of web site that mixes parts of my thin site strategy, with parts of a more traditional authority website.

Think of them as the middle ground. They take longer to build and aren’t something you can really churn out by the hundreds automatically, but at the same time add some respectability and stability to your portfolio of sites.

They’re also easier to sell later on…(and we’ll get into that as well!).

Why Niche Websites Instead of Thin?

It’s important to have a wide range of different types of websites because you just never know what kind of site Google will “like” at any given time.

Recently my thin sites have fared poorly in the Google search results, thanks largely to the Panda updates, but my niche websites continue to do well, some even getting a bump in the rankings since Panda started.

So it’s good to diversify…

Where do we go from here?

Over the next few weeks I’m going to walk you through my niche website strategy and we’re going to build an actual site that you’ll be able to follow along with.

I’ll walk you through every step in my process, and at the end you’ll have another weapon in your Adsense arsenal.

I’ll start tomorrow getting into the nitty gritty. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun and you’ll get a lot out of it. Be sure to comment and ask lots of questions along the way.

Just a heads up…

My niche strategy uses some spinning, just not in the same overwhelming way as my thin site strategy does. So if you don’t know how to spin text on a web site using php, you should do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of my php spinning eBook Here before the price shoots up to $99 tomorrow.

It’s well worth the investment, and it comes with a money back guarantee.

My niche strategy also relies on html web sites, not wordpress (though I guess you could use wordpress if you heavily modified it)…and I go into HTML a bit in the php spinning eBook…enough to get you started with both html and php. So if you want to follow along with this new strategy, I highly recommend you pick up my eBook.

Where do we start?

I’ll start tomorrow with Niche selection. It’s one of the simplest steps, but can also be one of the most confusing to some people. Then we’ll take it from there!

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

PS…can you believe we’ve had 100 blog posts here already? Time really flies! I want to thank the tens of thousands of you who come to the site each week and follow along with my mad ramblings. Without all of you, this site wouldn’t be here. Thank you!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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