Machine Learning Tricks?

By: John Elder posted in Internet Marketing

Hello good people!

Well it’s a beautiful Thursday here in Chicago, which means I’m up to my eyeballs in my normal Thursday routine of doing all the crummy paperwork, bills, meetings with accountants, bankers, and lawyers and generally taking care of all the boring administrative junk that no one likes dealing with…so I don’t have a lot of time to write.

But I did want to drop a note about what I did last night….it was pretty interesting!

I spent the evening at the offices of Orbitz (you know, the cheap travel/hotel website people) here in Chicago drinking beer and eating pizza. The event was a meetup for the Chicago Machine Learning group and it was pretty cool.

Machine Learning?

Yeah…think artificial intelligence…algorithms…modeling…that kind of fun stuff. The topic of the night was naive Bayes classifier probabilistic model stuff. Guess what people use that for?

Go on….guess…I’ll wait.

Give up?

Detecting Spam!

Aha, now you realize what I was doing there!

I’m under no illusions about the kind of thin adsense sites that I churn out using my current methods. They’re spam…there’s really no other way to describe them. I like to think they’re useful to people because they help people find what they’re looking for…but it’s still spam.

We’re throwing thousands of sites against the wall and seeing what sticks…so to speak. So anything I can learn about the different spam detection methods out there, the better. And I learned quite a bit last night!

You’ve got to have a pretty strong background in probability and statistics math to make heads or tails of this stuff, but I got my degree in economics so I’m well versed in the math involved.

I don’t want to get into the details right now because it’s pretty geeky…but let’s just say that I’ll be incorporating some pretty cool stuff in my new major strategy that I’m working on, and which should be done in a couple months, if not sooner.

So stay tuned!

Also, as a quick update; last night I also finished the php spinning eBook that I’ve been working on. Now I just need to do some proofreading and editing, slap it into pdf form and it should be ready to go. I’m really happy with how it turned out.

You’ll be spinning like a madman with the info and example code in this ebook. And you’ll also learn how to use php for some other cool things…you’ll be wondering why you ever thought php was hard after you read this eBook.

Look for it early next week. Until then…

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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