It’s All About How You Present The Offer

By: John Elder posted in Internet Marketing

Hello good people!

I want to get back to marketing basics with today’s article and talk about something fundamental. Namely: offer presentation.

How you present your offer will determine if you make the sale or not.

Presentation is everything.

Most people don’t think like this. They focus more on WHAT they are selling instead of HOW they are selling it.

Here’s an example.

Two women set up booths selling cookies at a church bake sale.

The two women set their booths up across from each other.

The first woman puts a sign on her table that reads:
“Chocolate Chip Cookies $1.00”

The second woman puts a sign on her table that reads:
“Chocolate Chip Cookies – Made With Clean Utensils – $2.00”

Which woman do you think sold more cookies?

Obviously both women used clean utensils, heck they probably used the same kitchen, but that doesn’t matter one bit to the person standing in front of each table.

The two women probably used the same recipe (they’re old friends) but the second woman has created an implied superiority just by adding a few words to her sign and raising her price slightly.

How you present your offer makes all the difference in the world. A few simple words, added or left out, can make or break your business. Keep that in mind!

How can you present your own offer to give it an edge?

That’s all for today.

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John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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