Back-End Sales Explained

By: John Elder posted in Internet Marketing

Hello good people!

In today’s article I want to discuss something a little different than basic Internet Marketing.

I want to talk about “Back-end Sales“.

Most businesses I deal with are only concerned with one thing, and that’s promoting their web sites in order to get more sales.

Of course, promoting your web site should be a top priority, but people don’t take advantage of the people that come to their sites correctly.

Once people convert a web site visitor into a customer, they usually then focus on bringing MORE people to their site to convert them into more customers.

That makes sense.

But don’t then discard that first person who you’ve already converted into a customer. They are far more important and valuable to you then anything else.

Once a person buys something from you, there’s a really good chance that somewhere along the line in the future, they’re going to buy something ELSE from you too.

You already know what the person is interested in, and they already feel comfortable buying from you…it’s a match made in heaven.

So always have back-end products ready to sell to past customers.

More specifically, have a back-end “system” in place where you can plug your customers name and email address into a database or autoresponder that automatically sends them offers from time to time via email.

People so often ignore past customers since they’re busy promoting their site trying to get more customers.

You’re customer list will be the most valuable asset you ever develop. You’ll earn more money from your past customer list over the years then you’ll ever make from front end sales alone.

I could go on and on about this. What kind of products should you offer to past customers? How do you build a back-end sales “System” or database. Unfortunately we’re out of space for today!

See you next time!

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John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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