A Short (free) Course In Semiotics

By: John Elder posted in Internet Marketing

Hello good people!

Today I’ll be departing from the normal Internet Marketing type article because I want to introduce you to something a little different that I think you’ll find very interesting.

What is it? It’s called Semiotics (or Semiology), which is the study of signs, symbols, and signification. Yes, this relates to online business…think advertising….


Signs and Symbols are the kinds of things you use in your advertising which draw people to your products.

Semiotics is the study of those signs and their significance. It’s all a little new to me too, but it’s very interesting stuff that you can directly apply to all of your advertising to make your ads more effective.

And since we all know that advertising is the cornerstone of online business (whether it be in print, or in ezines or banners on web sites) anything we can learn that will increase the effectiveness of our advertising is a very good thing…

A buddy of mine showed me this free online course on Semiotics created by Tom Streeter, for his students in Survey of Mass Media at the University of Vermont.

It’s all about Semiotics and its application to modern advertising.

It’s very interesting and in depth…and free, so this week all I’m going to do is point you to that free course and suggest you give it a read.

The course is located here:


It’s kind of like an online slide show that you can read from your web browser…and did I mention it’s free?

So check it out!

That’s all for today. See you next tomorrow!

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John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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