A Foolproof Marketing System

By: John Elder posted in Internet Marketing

Hello good people!

Today I want to give you a Foolproof Marketing System that you can use to sell just about anything.

Did you know that most people don’t come online to buy stuff…they come online to research stuff.

It’s true…most people use the internet to look stuff up…read up about things they are interested in, or comparison shop for the cheapest prices.

Very few people come online with the intention of buying something. Just think of yourself…what do
you usually use the Internet for?

This is not good news since you and I are in the business of selling stuff…..but you can use this knowledge to your advantage.

Since most people don’t come online to purchase things…and DO come online to research things, you need to focus your efforts on providing research for people….in marketing lingo we call this “content”.

You want to focus your web site on providing content…not making a hard sell.

Here’s a simple formula that always…and I mean always…works.

First, whatever it is you’re selling…write up a little ebook for it. It doesn’t have to be a big ebook…just 10-30 pages will do just fine. If you don’t like to write, hire someone cheap from eLance.com to do it for you.

Next, make the eBook available as a .pdf file on your web site that a person can download for free.

Make sure that you use a web form to collect their email address and first name before giving them the free eBook. Set up an autoresponder like aWeber.com to handle this aspect of collecting the email address and forwarding the person their free eBook.

Next write up a series of sales letters…5 to 10…hard selling sales letters selling whatever it is you are offering (which directly relates to the eBook you just gave away for free). If you’re no good at writing sales letters then buy a copy of the Robert Collier Letter Book from Amazon. It’s cheap and it’ll teach you how to write a sales letter that blows away your customers…it even shows you examples of successful sales letters that you can emulate.

Once you have your 5 to 10 sales letters, put them into your autoresponder and set it to send one sales letter every 7 to 10 days to everyone who downloaded your free eBook. They have given you their email address and therefore permission to email them (allow them the chance to unsubscribe at any time).

Next…sit back and let your new “system” go to work. All you have to do is focus on getting people to your web site…and the free eBook will help you to do that. The search engines will love your site because it has good content…if you write a good free eBook people will tell their friends about it…and all around you will be sitting pretty.

I don’t care what you are selling, you can come up with some sort of ebook for it. Describe the product, show how to use it, compare it to your competitors, discuss technical aspects of the thing…etc etc…you can come up with something…and remember, it doesn’t have to be that great.

I’ve used this system countless times in the past…it works great.

That’s all for today. See you next time!

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John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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