Your Marketing Funnel

By: John Elder posted in Internet Marketing

Hello good people!

It’s just before 6 a.m. this morning and here I sit here at my desk (steaming cup of coffee in hand)
to write you today’s article. I hope you’ve had a good week, and are ready to dive right in…

Today I want to talk to you about a fundamental marketing concept that can have a huge impact on your sales.

It’s called the “Marketing Funnel“.

Basically it says that you should look at all of your marketing efforts like a funnel.

(Go ahead and picture a funnel now)

Basically, at the top of your funnel should be a free gift or very low priced item.

A free subscription to your eZine….a free eBook….a free audio download…something free to get a person sliding down your funnel.

The main purpose here is two-fold..

First, you want to collect contact info from a person who is interested (targeted) in what you want to sell….

Second, you want to get them interested in you, and familiar with you and your products.

Once you’ve got a person into your funnel, the funnel starts to do the work.

Sliding down your funnel, the person is then offered a slightly higher priced object. Then the further down the funnel you go, the higher priced the objects you will offer them.

This is a great way to ease prospects into opening their wallets over time. It’s also a good way to visualize your sales process…to know when to send out which sales letters at which times.

So what does your marketing funnel look like?

That’s all for today. See you next time!

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John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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