Lets Make Some Money!

By: John Elder posted in Affiliate Marketing

Hello good people!

It’s been a long time since I posted anything and I do apologize…been up to my eyeballs in the new startup that I’m working on. It’s going really good so far!

I just wanted to drop in and give you a quick update on some of the things I’ve been working on for MarketingFool.com

Right now I’m working on two major things for you, first – a complete guide to using php to spin text on the fly on a webpage.

It’ll walk you step by step through absolutely everything you need to spin text using php. There will be actual real working examples for you to see and copy, and maybe videos to watch – I’m not sure about that last part yet.

Second, I’m working on a totally new concept for making money with thin (ish) sites without using adsense or relying on Google.

It finally happened, I got sick of the rollercoaster Google ride!!

My new strategy is pretty big, and involves using other monetization methods such as the shopzilla API to make a comparison shopping engine (among other things).

With my work on the big startup project I’ve been working on for the last couple months, I don’t have a whole lot of free time – so don’t expect the second thing for a month or two. But the first thing (the php spinning guide) should be done sooner.

Thanks for all the email you’ve sent in the last couple months to keep in touch. I really do have the best subscribers and internet marketers in the world here at the blog, and I thank you all for hanging in there with me!

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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4 Responses to “Lets Make Some Money!”

  1. Daniel

    02. Apr, 2012

    With regards to the spinning webapages.

    Does that not produce a lot of web pages automatically with similar content?
    And if so hasn’t Googles Panda update started punishing webpages which are too similar to other sites by ranking them less in the search results?

    Reply to this comment
    • The Marketing Fool

      02. Apr, 2012

      Hey Daniel,

      No, not if you do it correctly. I’ve written extensively about this, search around the blog a bit to learn all about it.

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  2. Jeff

    03. Apr, 2012

    Great to hear John! Can’t wait to hear about your new concept! You’ve been an inspiration for me! I’m a newbie and now have 20 sites built….now just need to get them ranking to make some money!

    Out of curiosity, is your Quick Index software still working? That’s what I’m using to get my sites indexed.


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    • The Marketing Fool

      03. Apr, 2012

      Hey Jeff,

      Congratz on the 20! It’s always hardest starting out, but once you get over that initial hump and you get used to the process of churning out sites, it gets easier!

      Yep the quick index software is still working….

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