When To Put Ads On Your Site

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Holy ball-point snowstorm batman! We’ve escaped all winter without any snow here in Chicago…but not any more! It’s been snowing heavily all day and it’s really staring to pile up. I just ran down to the Walgreen on my corner and was nearly blinded by the snow. It’s gonna be a fun weekend here in the windy city!

Well yesterday continued to be crappy as far as earnings go. I brought in just $32 in Adsense income and zero in amazon income. Blah, not much to say about this except that I’ll keep on building!

The Bot Is Done!

On that note, I finally finished building the bot that will automatically generate all my sites from now on at the click of a button. It’s really nice, let me tell you! People have asked if I’ll be releasing the bot to the public, and the answer is no. It’s specifically built to work with my webhosting account and my exact specifications, it’s not something everyone could use.

I built it using UBot if you’d like to build your own. Ubot is pricey, like $200 bucks or something, but allows you to build bots to do anything you want. I highly recommend it. It’s a little tricky to figure out how to use at first, but once you get the hang of it it’s even easier than regular computer programming like php. It’s literally drag and click software.

I’ll write an article about building your own bot in the future or I may come up with something else along those lines if there’s interest.

Today I want to talk about ad timing

Several people have recently asked me this question; “when is the best time to physically put adsense ads on your site?” There are generally a couple trains of thought here…

  • Put adsense ads on your site right away – as soon as you build your site
  • Wait till your site gets indexed at Google – then put your adsense ads on

Which is the best way to go? I honestly don’t think it matters…

I always put my adsense ads on immediately, as soon as I build the site. I don’t think there’s any downside to doing that.

Some people think that it’s harder to get a site indexed and ranked well at Google if you put the ads up right away. I’ve never seen any evidence of that though. I think it’s an old wives tale.

I always stick them on right away, then submit my site using my handy dandy Quick Index Software (did you download your free copy yet?). That always does the trick.

If in doubt…

If you’re curious though, test yourself. Build 10 sites with ads on as soon as the sites are built, and build 10 sites without ads, then wait a month or so before you put the ads on. Watch how each group performs.

I really suggest that all of you get in the habit of testing things like this yourselves. I’m glad you read my blog and listen to my mad ramblings, but it’s a much better idea to get in the habit of figuring these things out yourself…because then you can always stay ahead of the game!

That’s all for today, it’s a snow day 😉

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

PS..if you liked this, or any of my articles, please share them below on facebook, twitter, digg, or whatever social networks you like. Spread the word good people!!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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2 Responses to “When To Put Ads On Your Site”

  1. Thoufeeq

    13. Jan, 2012

    So all these thousands of sites so far were made up without bots? But in your previous posts, you were already mentioning about using bots to automate the process of site creation, article spinning, custom link structure, etc…

    Anyway, its great to know this kind of site-setup can completely be automated.

    Thanks for the update

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    • The Marketing Fool

      14. Jan, 2012

      Yeah they were all made without bots. But that’s not to say that aspects of them aren’t automated using php and things like that. I just didn’t use a bot to set the site up. *shrugs*

      In finishing my bot though I’ve completely automated the process. All I have to do is create an excel file with a list of domains to create, the main site keyword, and the amazon category to use. The bot takes that list and creates sites for each domain I list…all automatically. It’s fun to watch. *L*

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