What’s Going On?!

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Wow, I’m totally overwhelmed by the response to my php Spinning ebook. I’m glad you all enjoyed it so much!

I want to thank all of you who sent in testimonials after reading it. If I haven’t replied to you yet, I will as soon as I can. Having a hard time keeping up with the flood of email.

If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, you still have four days to get it at the special introductory $39 price before it shoots up to $99. This is not a marketing gimmick, I’m really raising the price in four days and I won’t budge on that afterwards.

So I’ve been thinking recently about this blog and wondering what other things you’d like to learn about? Since I started it last year I’ve been focusing on adsense, and specifically on my “thin spin” strategy. But that’s really just one strategy that I use for adsense.

Heck, adsense is only one way that I make money with Internet marketing. I’ve been at this full time since 1997, I’ve got a lot of other neat stuff I could share if people are interested.

So today I thought I’d just ask all of you what other things you’d like to learn about – specifically about Internet marketing techniques, strategies, businesses etc.

We could go into different things like:

  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization
  • Different Adsense Strategies like thick sites
  • Niche website building
  • Website flipping
  • Software Marketing
  • App Marketing
  • Social Network Marketing
  • Publishing

…or really anything else you might like to know. Believe me, I’ve done it all over the years.

I’m still going to talk about Adsense, especially my upcoming new thin strategy that I’ve been talking about. I just thought it might be nice to branch out a little bit.

Let me know! Shoot me an email through the contact page of the site, or add a comment below. And in the mean time…

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

PS…Here’s the link to my php Spinning ebook one more time. Jump on it now while it’s still just $39, the price is going up to $99 in four days!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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2 Responses to “What’s Going On?!”

  1. mike

    15. Apr, 2012

    In having reread all your blog posts over the last couple of days, one adsense related thing I’m interested in that you haven’t covered much is ad placement. Do you have a specific place you put the ads, or do you alternate where you put them, etc..

    Also, if you use the same theme and color scheme for all your sites, or if you adjust them based on your content…

    Thanks for the blog, and all the tips!

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    • The Marketing Fool

      15. Apr, 2012

      Hey Mike,

      Glad you’re enjoying the blog!

      Yeah I’ve touched on ad placement in the past a little bit. You can check out this Getting Started with Adsense post to see a picture of the exact ad placement and theme layout that I use.

      I always put them in that exact same place, and I always use the same site templates and color schemes for all my thin adsense sites, with no deviations. The design is generic enough that it goes fine with any niche, yet still looks nice visually.

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