What’s An Insider?

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Well my 100 thin sites continue to revive! Yesterday they brought in $21.95 in Adsense income, plus $27.57 in Amazon commissions (off of 9 items purchased at $459.44) and $2.88 from Shopzilla off of 21 clicks and 6,504 impressions.

That’s a grand total yesterday of $52.40. Not bad for a Holiday!

Again, it’s too soon to say that thin sites are “back” but the data is definitely encouraging!

MarketingFool.com Insiders

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my new Member’s Only website and since I’m very close to finishing it, I thought I’d take a minute or two to tell you a little bit about it.

Basically, it’s going to be an exclusive Member’s Only website where I really pull back the curtain and show you EXACTLY what I’m doing to make money online. I’ve shared a lot of stuff here at MarketingFool.com but nowhere NEAR this level of detail.

The site will hinge around three main areas:

  • Knowledge Base Library
  • Members Message Board
  • Personal Help From Me

There’s going to be a lot more…but those are the three main areas of the site so far.

Knowledge Base Library

I’ll be posting articles daily there that teach you how to build all kinds of money making websites, from Thick to Thin; Shopping Engines, Price Comparison Sites, Affiliate Sites, and more. If you think I go into detail here at MarketingFool.com, you’ll be absolutely blown away by the library.

I’m talking detailed articles that share absolutely ALL my secret tricks, tips, and money making methods. But not just articles, I’ll also have screencast video’s, downloadable website templates (as both php and wordpress themes), code examples and more.

The Library will also contain every single ebook or piece of software that I’ve ever released at MarketingFool.com; past present and future. So whenever I write a new book, Insiders will get it for free!

Members Message Board

At the message board you’ll be able to post questions, and connect with me and other Insiders to talk about what’s working, what’s not, and everything in between.

Having a community of like-minded people all trying to make a living online and talking about it with each other is invaluable. I’ll be working to make sure it becomes one of the most vibrant communities of Internet Marketers on the web.

We’ll have different sections where you can talk about different types of sites, thick, thin, shopping, etc. Sections to talk about new marketing methods, and places to just hang out and chat with like-minded people. I’m pretty excited about it.

Personal Help From Me

As a Marketing Fool Insider, I’m not just going to teach you how to make money online, I’m also going to be there to walk you through it step by step….personally.

As a member, you’ll have access to the message board where you can ask for help from other members, but you’ll also be able to connect directly with me.

I’ll be there to help make sure you’re on the right track in any way I can.

And More…

As the site grows, I’m sure it will evolve into even more than what I’ve just described. Don’t worry, I’m not going to stop posting daily blog posts here at MarketingFool.com, but as an Insider you’ll have access to so much more…

Will It Be Free?

Becoming an Insider won’t be free, it’s going to be a monthly membership. But I’ll try to keep the price reasonable and offer a money back guarantee. I’ll also probably offer a real cheap first month price for all of you that have been reading my blog for the last year.

What would you pay to become part of a community that guarantee’s your business success? The stuff you’ll learn as an Insider, and the guidance you’ll find could legitimately help grow your own business into a million dollar enterprise. I think that’s worth a few bucks a month.

So keep an eye out…the site is nearly done, I hope to be up and running sometime next week. Until then…

Keep on building!

John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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