To Bot Or Not

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

I’ve mentioned a few times that I’m working on building a bot that will automate a lot of the tasks of building Adsense sites. I’ve gotten a lot of questions about it so I thought I’d talk about it a little bit today.

First of all, what is a bot?

A bot is really just a computer program that does things automatically. You can program bots to do just about anything these days. Since all of my Adsense sites are identical in design and content (tailored to the specific keyword the website is created around), it makes it relatively easy to automate much of the creation process.

My Adsense method is a numbers game….there are only a few variables that go into it…those variables are:

  • Cost of the Domains
  • Cost of the Content for each site
  • Cost of the Time involved to create each site
  • Cost of Web hosting

To be successful you need to keep those costs lower than your potential earnings. For instance, if you spend $10 to register a domain name, then $30 to buy content for the site, then spend 5 hours to build the site (and say you value your time at $20 an hour) then one site costs you $140.

In this case, to be successful you would need to make MORE than $140 with that site within the next year (because next year you have to re-register that domain name). That’s a tall order that comes with significant risk.

The trick is to get those costs DOWN, and part of my secret is that I’ve done that very successfully.

  1. I bought a couple thousands .info domains at .67 cents each.
  2. I use some similar content on each website, but I wrote a simple php program that automatically spins that content and tailors it to each specific website based on the keyword that site is built around, thus ensuring non-duplicated fresh content, in an unlimited amount, at zero cost.
  3. I’m building a bot that will take each domain name I buy and automatically build a site instantly, and at no cost to me.
  4. My sites are flat file HTML (not resource hogging wordpress sites) meaning I can cram literally thousands of sites on one inexpensive dedicated web server keeping my web hosting fees down.

All of this means essentially that, excluding web hosting fees (which is essentially a fixed and sunk cost), my total costs for each site is .67 cents! That means that each site only has to earn .67 cents a year to be profitable! Which means, essentially, that I’ll be able to crank out tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of these sites at very little investment risk.

And that means scale…

And scale is important. It’s what turns an Adsense empire earning $4,000 a month (which is what I’m doing now) into one that earns millions a month.

At least…that’s the hope. And that’s why I’m building this bot.

Some of you have sent me skeptical emails asking me if I’m going to be selling this bot…people find it hard to believe that I’m giving away all the information on this website for free and keep looking for the hook. So let me just say, NO, I will not be selling this bot.

For one thing, I’m building it tailor made for my sites, it wouldn’t help you at all. It would need to be tweaked for every person that buys it (if I were selling it) and that’s too much work for a commercial product of any kind. Imagine if Microsoft had to tweak windows for every user…it’s impossible.

But I can tell you about my bot, show you how I built it, and hopefully convince you to build your own bot to help you with your own Adsense empire. And that’s why I’m writing about it.

How Do I Build My Bot?

I use a program called uBot. It costs about $250 and gives you the tools to build as many bots as you like, to do just about anything you like. I highly recommend it, you don’t have to be a computer programmer to use it, it’s got a visual user interface (not text, you don’t have to write computer code – it’s more of a drag and drop type thing). And they also have tons of helpful training videos etc to get you going.

I really can’t recommend it enough. As Internet marketers there are tons of daily tasks that can easily be automated, from social bookmarking, to blog commenting, to a zillion other things. And once you get used to using ubot, it’s fairly easy to whip up a simple bot to handle these types of simple tasks.

Take the Panda, for Instance

Google unleashed the latest panda update that attempts to cull out scraper sites. My sites took a nose dive at Google because of this. It’s really easy for me to build a ubot bot that goes to each of my web sites, erases the scraped Twitter feed content on each page, and thus brings my websites back into compliance with Google’s good graces.

It would take me weeks or even months of mind-numbingly tedious work to do that all manually. But the bot can do it automatically, very quickly. And it doesn’t cost me a thing because I’ve already purchased uBot. It’s a thing of beauty!

In the coming weeks, as I finish building my bot, I’ll share more about it and go into more detail about how I built it and how you might build your own. Right now I just wanted to explain the thinking behind it and give you a little heads up as to what I’m currently working on.

So check out uBot today, and in the mean time…

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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