Spreading Out Your Adsense Sites

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Well it was bound to happen. The weather here in downtown Chicago turned crappy again. The rain and cold are back. Oh well, it’s that time of the year.

I’ve decided to ward off the gloomy weather by making some crockpot chicken salsa…which is basically just chicken breasts covered in salsa and cooked in the slow cooker all afternoon.

Quick earnings update; yesterday was a pretty good day. I had $75 in Adsense earnings and $514 in amazon sales for a $33 commission. $108 total for the day isn’t quite at pre-panda levels of $150 per day but it’s much better than the $40 days I’ve been seeing since Panda struck. It’s interesting to note that the Amazon earnings all came for just 3 purchased items (they were high priced items!). In any case, it’s an encouraging improvement.

So, I get a lot of questions about websites and how quickly to build them. Some people build one site a day for weeks or months, some people crank out hundreds a day using automated methods. Which is best?

There are several answers

The first answer, and the easiest, is this: build what you can. If you can only manage to crank out one site every day, then do that. If you can do ten a day, then do that. If you can do more than that…even better.

People lose motivation. We all do it. If you can stay motivated to build ten sites per week for two months, then go for it. It’s really all about you. There is no wrong way to do it…well actually there is, more on that in a minute.

I build hundreds of sites, and I use a number of automation methods that I talk about here on the blog, but you don’t have to come out with such big guns blazing. Start small, work your way up. Get better and better at cranking out sites as you go, and increase the rate that you build them over time.

One VERY important thing…

There is one rule that I’ve learned, and it’s an incredibly important one. Don’t build all your sites at once. Spread them out over time.

I see people go out and buy five hundred domain names, then using automation methods crank out all five hundred websites over a weekend. Three months later they have no income and they can’t figure out why.

Here’s why. Google.

It’s the SEO that get’s you…

Google works in cycles. Think of them as ocean tides. Sites get indexed by google, then move up in the rankings for a while, then drop out of the rankings for a while. It’s like bobbing around in the water, up then down.

So if you create all your websites at once, then they’ll all move the same way in Google (relatively speaking – for the most part). The sites will rank well for a while (a few days or weeks) then all at once the rankings will fluctuate and your sites will get shoved to the back of Googles supplemental index.

Traffic will dry up, and so will earnings.

Over time some, or even most of those sites will slowly move back up in the rankings and earnings will increase. But it can be slow.

On the other hand, if you spread your website creation out…it will even out things at Google. At any given time some of your sites will rank well, and some will rank poorly…then the sites that rank well will start to rank poorly, but those older sites that used to rank poorly will begin to rank well again…all in line with Google’s internal fluctuations.

So that means that at any given time, you’ll have sites ranking well and earning you money. Steady income is better than huge income followed by long periods of no income, believe me!

So what’s the magic number?

How many sites should you build at a time in order to spread them out? It doesn’t really matter. If you want to build one hundred sites total, then spread them out like fifteen a week.

Personally I like big round numbers, so I’d shoot for building one hundred sites a week. Every week. For a year. But that’s just me! It’s all relative really. No matter how many sites you want to build, just spread them out as much as possible and you should be ok.

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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