Sometimes It’s Just Really Fun

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Happy fathers day (a day late) to all of you fathers out there. My girlfriend’s dad’s birthday was this weekend so we had a whole weekend of birthday/fathers day celebrations, which means I got to eat a lot of really good food!

So I’ve got several interesting announcements to give you today, so let’s just get right to it.

  • New free eBook – Adsense Empire Quickstart Guide
  • Upcoming Members Only Section of
  • Upcoming Thick Site Case Study!

You may have noticed my new eBook floating around on the site. It’s called Adsense Empire Quickstart Gude and you can read about it here.

I’m giving it away free for everyone who subscribes to this daily newsletter/blog. If you’re already a subscriber and really want the eBook, just shoot me a message and I’ll send you the link.

If you’re a longtime reader here, you won’t really get anything new from this eBook because it’s aimed at the absolute newbie. I talk about opening an Adsense account, setting up webhosting, and building your first basic adsense site.

Upcoming Member’s Only Site

I love talking about how I make money with adsense, but some of my techniques are just too sensitive and secretive to share with just anyone…which is why I’ve been hesitant to discuss some of my more advanced tips on this blog.

So I decided to create a special members-only section of the site where only those of you who’re really serious about earning a living with adsense can come, learn my most advanced and secret tricks and tips, mingle, discuss things with me and other like minded people, and generally just have a great community revolved around making money online.

I’ll have articles, but also screencast videos actually walking you through my harder topics. You’ll also get all my upcoming eBooks for free before anyone else.

It’s not going to be free. I’ve decided to charge for it so that only those of you who are serious about this stuff can get in. But I’ll offer a money back guarantee so that if you don’t get at least ten times the value back from membership, you can have your money back.

It’s not ready yet, but will be very soon (within the next couple of weeks). Stay tuned!

Upcoming Thick Site Case Study

I’m also putting the finishing touches on a new eBook that’s a case study of my latest thick site. I know I haven’t talked much about thick sites on this blog, but I make a ton of money with them.

I built one last year and recently sold it on Flippa for thousands of dollars.

So I thought it would be fun to write an eBook showing exactly how I built that site, how I monetized it, how much money I made in advertising and affiliate income from it, how I sold it, and how much money I made from the sale.

Why? So that:

  1. You can learn how I build successful Thick Sites so that you can do it yourself
  2. You can learn how to sell sites and make massive money
  3. You can get a good idea of how much money these types of sites make

The eBook is comprehensive, showing pictures of the site, and going into incredible detail so that you can learn exactly how to make money with thick sites.

The eBook will be free to members of my special members-only site, but will cost money for non-members. It’ll be worth every penney though to learn how I made thousands of dollars off of one simple thick site with virtually no work once it was built.

So that’s what’s coming up here at

The summer is always a slow period for making money online, so I like to focus on building things then. Stick around, it should be interesting!

Keep on building!

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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