Some Adsense Inspiration

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Well I’m getting ready to take mom down to Union Station and her train home. She likes the train station’s ‘great hall’ that you see in all the old movies – yeah, mom like the little things *L* It was a good trip but a brief one. Luckily she got some great weather while she was here!

Today I want to spend just a few minutes talking about Adsense Inspiration. It’s so hard to lose your motivation, or even your willpower when it comes to making a living with Adsense because Google can take you to the cleaners in the blink of an eye.

I know someone that just last week had over seven hundred websites deindexed by Google in one day. A couple of days later I heard from someone else who lost almost five hundred sites to deindexing.

And let’s not forget Panda

When the Panda hit me, my Adsense and Amazon affiliate earnings were cut in half. Actually it was more like a 60% reduction. I was making about $4,000 a month before, and made only $1,800 in the month directly after.

But things slowly started to get better.

I had plans to make some changes to my sites in order to appease the great and powerful Google…but I never really got around to doing any of it. In the end my sites started to recover on their own.

Yesterday I made $97 in adsense earnings and $40 in affiliate commissions (from $577 worth of purchases – off of about 13 purchased items). That’s a total for the day of $137 which is right about where I was before panda hit (on a daily basis). Actually it’s a little higher, because $137 times 31 days in a month equals $4,110.

Can you stay in the game?

Most people get smacked by Google and they give up. If you were making four grand a month and saw your earnings drop to less than half of that overnight, you might be inclined to find another business to get into too. And I’ve seen countless people do just that.

But you’ve got to just keep your head down, and keep plugging along. That’s why I sign off of each of these articles with the phrase “Keep on building!” because that’s what you have to do to be successful.

I’m not prepared to say that my sites have recovered completely from the Panda. Heck, earnings might be back in the $30 range tomorrow, who knows! But at least it appears that things have finally turned the corner.

And it couldn’t have come at a better time of the year because the holiday shopping season is an Adsense and (especially) an affiliate marketers DREAM! So…

Keep on building!!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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