November’s Earnings Breakdown

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Welcome to the start of another glorious week in the world of Adsense! I woke up this morning to what sounded like jackhammers coming from some guys hanging on a scaffolding outside my 15th floor window…I think they’re doing tuckpointing work or something, but I could do without the noise!

Had another great earnings day yesterday, with $108 in Adsense income and $23 of amazon commissions off of fourteen items purchased ($326 in sales). That’s a nice $131 in combined income for the day; not too shabby!

Yeserday I posted November’s earnings snapshot that you can take a look at if you like. Today I want to dive into the numbers in further detail and talk about what happened throughout the month.

Adsense Stats:
Number Of Websites: 300
Page Views: 81,405
Earnings: $2,158.73 Affiliate Stats:
Total Sales: $7,736.21
Total Commissions: (at 7%): $532.46
Items Shipped: 157
Items Returned: 4

The first thing to notice, obviously, is that total income was up strongly over October – $957.29 more to be exact or around 55% higher across the board. That’s great news considering the ruin that the Google Panda caused in October.

It begs the question…

Are these numbers up because my sites have recovered from the Panda devastation, or are they up simply because it’s the holiday shopping season and people are spending themselves into oblivion? I don’t really know.

I suspect it’s a little bit of both. It might also suggest that the economy is recovering a little bit, which would be great news if it’s true.

November brought in 81,405 page views vs 67,047 in October; that’s a 21.4% increase.

That tells me that the earnings increase wasn’t so much that my sites were recovering from the panda, but more like advertisers were paying higher advertising fees. Otherwise a 21% increase in traffic wouldn’t result in a 55% increase in income. But that’s just a guess.

Amazon sales were up from $329.20 in October to $532.46 in November, an increase of $203.26 or 62%. That definitely suggests a holiday shopping spurt and less of a recovery from Panda. Items bought jumped from 90 in October to 157 in November, an increase of almost 75%. Thank you holiday shoppers!

One thing to note…

One thing I wanted to mention that you wouldn’t notice from the numbers is the fact that towards the end of November I created 50 new websites and launched them. I didn’t add them to November’s site count stat because they hadn’t really been indexed in November yet (or if so, just barely).

I’m happy to report that most of them have been indexed by Google now and are starting to bring in income. That means that my Adsense method still works when starting from scratch, regardless of the Panda update. That’s very heartening news indeed!

Looking forward…

So what’s next? December has been incredibly strong so far, surprisingly strong actually. So I have high hopes for my websites and earnings to close out the year well.

I’m very nearly finished building my bot that will automatically crank out sites at the push of a button. I need another day or two to finish it. When I do, I’m going to crank out a couple thousand new sites to start the new year off with a bang. Of course I’ll chronicle the whole thing right here.

Also I hope to finish building my quick index software that will get brand new sites indexed at Google quickly. When I finish it (hopefully within the next week), I’m going to release it here for free to everyone who is subscribed to my free newsletter (subscribe for free at the bottom of any page of my site if you haven’t already).

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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6 Responses to “November’s Earnings Breakdown”

  1. Mark

    06. Dec, 2011

    Hey John,

    How come you don’t appear to be building too many sites? Are you still testing the method before you totally commit?

    Thanks for the info.


    Reply to this comment
    • The Marketing Fool

      06. Dec, 2011

      I’ve been lazy…and also working on several other unrelated projects…But I’m about to start building again very soon…and I’ve got about 2,000 domains already purchased and ready for sites…

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  2. Rahul

    06. Dec, 2011

    I love your amazon stats….$500 is significant money. I rarely find peoples to share amazon success.. True selling something is more difficult than clicking on ads.

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    • John

      06. Dec, 2011

      Rahul..before the dreaded Google Panda update a couple months ago, I was pushing $1,000 a month in amazon. But I can’t really take any credit for it – I don’t do anything special except add a simple amazon widget to each page on my site.

      The widget is called phpzon.

      The widget shows whatever product the page is about, a little picture, a short description (pulled straight from amazon), a price, and a link to buy it from amazon.

      The whole thing is passive and automatic. I highly recommend phpzon!

      Reply to this comment
      • Rahul

        06. Dec, 2011

        Well i will surely look into this when i will target amazon.. I like to know what kind of info domain you target…i mean exact monthly searches or globally..or you buy any info domains?

        ..Suppose..i am giving you keywords here. Do you like to target with info domains?

        dog constipation remedy
        best computer for gaming

        Reply to this comment
        • John

          06. Dec, 2011

          To tell you the truth, I don’t do any keyword research anymore. I pick broad product niches…like baseball bats, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners…I target my domains around those broad keywords. Then the pages *within* those sites break down into long tail keywords, for instance for a lawn mower site, a page might be


          I’m not all that worried about what the domain name is, as long as it’s closely related to lawn mowers. And I program my sites to automatically determine what the longtail keywords should be and create pages relating to them.

          I don’t care what the traffic data for lawn mowers is…my .info domain costs $.67 cents and I know I’ll make that much money in income no matter what…so i just buy thousands of domains, throw up sites, and see what sticks.

          You gave me three keyword examples. You’re looking at it wrong, don’t pick one of them…why not just make a site for every single one of them??

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