My New Social Media Book Is Out!

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Wow! I want to thank all of you who responded to yesterday’s special engagement offer both for the flood of warm words and well wishes, as well as the ton of you who took advantage of the offer and signed up for your lifetime membership as a Marketing Fool Insider.

I’ve reached my goal, the ring is bought, and Christy loves it! I’ll admit…I really like it too. I Usually don’t get excited about frilly things like that, but in this case I think we got really lucky and found the perfect ring.

I know I said that I’d pull the special offer as soon as I reached my goal, but I’ve decided to leave it up for the next two days anyway…just in case some of you didn’t get a chance to see the offer for whatever reason.

You can sign up HERE.

But really, the $49 lifetime membership to my Marketing Fool Insiders club will only be available till Wednesday at midnight, so grab yours now.

My New Book Is Out!

I’ve got a new book that was just published on today called “Follow Me: Social Media Marketing Unleashed!”.

It’s a bit of a departure from what you’re probably used to reading here at In fact, there’s nothing in there about Adsense or Affiliate Marketing whatsoever.

It’s all about Marketing your stuff via Social Media.

Let’s face it, these days with the army of hipster social media consultants out there trying to get people to massively over spend on social media marketing, it’s hard to know even where to start.

This book cuts through all the BS and shows you exactly how to get started with Social Media Marketing.

I walk you through creating a broad strategic plan and then narrow down to specific tactics you can use to kickstart your social media marketing efforts.

It’s really aimed at the beginner…so if that’s you, then I suggest you grab a copy. It’s less than ten bucks.

And of course, all Marketing Fool Insider members get a copy for free with their membership (members get a free copy of every book I write, past, present, and future).


Keep on building!

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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