Mmm, Tasty Google Destruction!

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Wow! Did you see that? Google rolled out a new update a few days ago, dubbed Penguin, that has rocked the affiliate world to it’s core.

Actually, it pretty much rocked everyone who owns a website and relies on traffic from Google…but this is mostly an affiliate blog so I’ll focus on that aspect of it…

So What Happened?

We’re still putting the pieces together on this one, but you can read about it all over the net. SEO blogs, affiliate forums, webmaster world, any marketing board….everyone’s talking about it.

From what I can see, this update makes the previous Panda updates look meek and timid. Google has shaken up their index so much that it really seems like they’ve shot themselves in the foot. I mean, head over and do a search for ANYTHING and look at the top 5 listings.

You’ll laugh so hard it will hurt!

Google is returning complete rubbish. I’m talking sites with ZERO content. I mean totally blank pages!!

And when they are returning sites with actual stuff on them, the sites often look like they were built by a teenager in the late 90’s.

It’s bad…

I imagine Google has flipped into damage control mode by now. I’m sure they know they screwed up…and screwed up majorly. I’m sure there’s some pretty embarrassed engineers running for cover at Google.

I’ve made a decision…

I’m done with Google. I’m done building websites that need traffic from Google in order to make any money. I’m done with thin adsense sites that rely on Google traffic.

Basing your livelihood on the whims of the brilliant fools over at Google makes you into an even bigger fool than they are. Ever since the old founder took over last year, the place has degenerated into something I’m not comfortable doing business with.

Whether it’s their blatant attempt to disregard your privacy, their callous disregard for affiliate marketers (the very marketers who have propelled Adsense into Google’s NUMBER ONE Source of Income), or the fiasco that is Google+ I’m simply tired of asking “how high” when Google tells me to jump.

What Does That Mean For

I’m an entrepreneur. I’ve been building businesses for over 15 years, I’m not going to stop…and I’m not going to stop writing about it and teaching what works for me.

But I am going to switch gears a little. The site will turn away from being my Adsense journey, and instead chronicle whatever business I’m currently working on.

So the niche tutorial I’ve been writing about for the last week or two is dead. I’m not going to bother finishing it.

Instead I’m going to talk about two new things….

  • My Latest Chicago Startup – Crowdsourced Dating Website and Gaming Company
  • A brand new GOOGLE-LESS affiliate system

I’ve mentioned my latest Startup in passing here in the past…but now I’ll talk about it in a little more detail.

But the really fun one to talk about will be my new Google-Less affiliate system. I’m going to build, from the ground up, a complete business that makes money off of advertising and affiliate offers but relies 100% on OTHER traffic sources besides Google.

People still buy stuff online. Google can’t stop that from happening. We just need to build sites that don’t rely on Google for their traffic.

And that’s what I’ll be focusing on in the coming months here at the blog. I hope you’ll follow along with me! It should be super interesting! Like in the past, I’ll post daily earnings, and really break down how I build the site and how I get traffic.

I’ll be able to show you the actual website so that you can see exactly how I do it. I’ve never been able to show you sites in the past because of Adsense. If someone who didn’t like me got a hold of my adsense ID, they could easily set up a click bomb campaign and get me kicked out of Adsense (it’s happened to friends of mine many times).

But I’m not going to be using Adsense for the new site, so there’s no reason why you can’t see the site and follow along.

It’s going to be choppy. This is something totally new and we’ll have to learn as we go…but it should be a lot of fun.

Keep on building! (Just not for Google!)

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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