Mailbag Friday 7-20-12

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Ah, Friday at last and the weather couldn’t be more perfect here in Chicago. Think I’ll head out to my favorite Irish pub tonight, grab a table on the sidewalk and enjoy the end of the heat wave!

It’s Friday and that means it’s time to open up the ‘ole mailbag and answer some of the questions that have come in during the week.

Question 1

The first question is from Ashish, who asks: “What topics are best to start a adsense website. Which is better sub-domains v/s directory v/s categories.”

Great questions Ashish. I always always always stick with product niches when it comes to building adsense websites. It really doesn’t matter what the product is as long as there’s a market with people buying it and advertisers buying ads to try and sell it.

You can head over to and type in a niche keyword and they’ll tell you how many advertisers are buying ads about those keywords and what they’re spending per ad.

I like to target niches with at least 20 advertisers spending at least $1.00 per ad…but that’s a soft number.

As far as your other question, I always stick with categories and never use sub-domains. Google treats sub-domains differently and it can be a tricky subject.

With cheap domain deals at Godaddy (sometimes you can get .com address for $1 and .info addresses for even less), it just makes sense to buy separate domains instead of trying to mess with sub-domains.

Question 2

The second question is from Reshmi, who asks: “Can u please elaborate a little on how to create multiple adsense accounts under diff LLC’s?”

Yeah, it really sucks when Google kicks you out of their Adsense program, and they make it very hard to get back in. In fact, you aren’t allowed to re-apply under your same name…once you’re out, you’re out.

But you can form another company, be it a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation, and then apply to adsense under that company name. A company is a separate legal entity, so technically “you” are not re-applying to Adsense, your new company is applying for the first time.

I’ve written about it in the past here in a little more detail. I’m not a lawyer so I can’t advise on forming a company from a legal perspective, but it does work as far as Adsense is concerned.

Thanks for the questions everyone, keep them coming; and…

Keep on building!

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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