Mailbag Friday 12-16-12

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Yesterday was another pretty good earnings day with $98 in Adsense and $28 in amazon (off 6 items bought at $400) for a grand daily total of a $126. I keep waiting for the bottom to drop out but it looks like things are going to continue strong till Christmas. I love the holiday shopping season!

It’s Friday and that means that it’s time to open up the old mailbag and answer some of the questions you sent me throughout the week. So let’s dive right in!

Question 1

Brandi asks; “I’m building small sites. I have about 300 .infos.. they each make $3 a month. Is that good?I need to know what to aim for. Thanks!”

Hi Brandi! I actually get a lot of questions like this. The answer is different for everyone. There is no “right” answer because everyone will have different results based on all kinds of different things. Take into account how much you spent to get those sites up and running. Have you spent (or continue to spend) money on backlinking?

300 sites each making $3 each (that must be an average) equals $900 a month. If you outsourced your content for the sites and spent $5,000 on it, then $900 a month doesn’t seem too good. If you didn’t outsource them, and your only ongoing costs are $50 a month in webhosting, then $900 seems great! It just depends on your situation.

If you’ve cracked a formula that allows you to create 300 sites that churn out $900 in income, then just build 300 more to double your income (roughly speaking). It sounds like you’re doing great so far! Keep on building!

Question 2

Talking about spinning content last week and my recommendation to use The Best Spinner, Dennis asks; “will spin chimp work?”

Great question! I use The Best Spinner because it’s by and far the industry leader and it works great. If you like spin chimp then by all means use it. It doesn’t matter what spinner software you use, as long as it outputs spin text.

Some spinners only output spun articles. That’s no good for us. We need it to output the actual spin text (all those bars and brackets) so that we can add that to our webpages so that our php code can spin the actual stuff every time someone loads a webpage.

Question 3

Cydnie asks: “Hey John, I’ve been getting your emails for a few weeks now and look forward to them every day. But I’m getting information overload since I just started reading and there is so much here. I’m not a complete newbie but have not really made any money. Can you guide me to where on your blog and where to go afterwards?…also, I cannot use amazon due to living in california. Any help you can give me would greatly be appreciated.”

Hi Cydnie, thanks for reading! The best thing I can recommend is to just go to this page on my site and just start reading from the bottom of the page. That page lists all the articles I’ve written.

I’m working on a beginners guide that you can download and get all the main tactics I use from a-z all in one place, but it won’t be ready till the beginning of the new year. Keep an eye out for it because I think it’ll be just what you’re looking for.

As far as amazon, you can sign up even if you live in California. Basically you have to do it one of two ways. Either get someone you know like a close friend or family member who lives outside of California to set up an account for you using their out of state address, or rent a P.O. Box yourself in the next state over. Post office boxes can often be rented for like $20 for six months.

I live in Illinois and because of our idiot elected officials who passed a law taxing amazon, amazon cancelled the affiliate program for all of Illinois. I simply had one of the corporations I own rent a P.O. Box in a nearby state, changed my address to that address on my amazon contact info, and bang zoom, all is well.

Thanks everyone for all the great questions this week, keep them coming!

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

PS..if you liked this, or any of my articles, please share them below on facebook, twitter, digg, or whatever social networks you like. Spread the word good people!!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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