Looking Forward…

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Well I had an amazing earnings day yesterday; bringing in $136 in Adsense and $46 in amazon earnings (from 22 items purchased at $660). That’s a daily grand total of $182! Not bad for one day of doing nothing!

Yesterday I talked about my second adsense content automation method, what I call my 404 method which basically consists of adding your spun article and spinning code to your wordpress’s 404.php page to get, in essence, infinite content pages.

Today I was going to talk about the exact php spinning code you need to pull this off…but I’m going to have to put that off for a few days. I’ve decided instead to just create a wordpress installation with all the modifications you’ll need to do this…and then just give it away.

When I get that finished (and it’s going to take a little while) I’ll also write some articles explaining exactly how it works and give exact code examples. I think that will be a better way to teach you how to do it because it’s really hard to visualize some of these esoteric code examples without seeing them first hand.

Another reason I’m putting it off is because today is Thursday and that’s the day I do bills, paperwork, and take crappy meetings with my accountants, lawyers, and bankers. Today’s been a LONG day of that and I really just want to go have dinner with my girlfriend instead of pound out wordpress code 😉

And I also need to do some Christmas shopping. I’ve really put it off till the last minute this year!

So today’s article is going to be short and sweet, and utterly useless!

What to expect from MarketingFool.com in the new year?

We’re coming up on the end of the year, and the first few months of operation for this blog. I’ve been really amazed at the explosion of readers since I started the website a few months back. I really want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read my ramblings every day.

I’m planning on shaking things up for the new year and have several things in store for the site. Look for:

  • A special Members only Section and Forum
  • MarketingFool.com Search engine submission indexing software
  • My Upcoming WordPress theme (that I talked about above)
  • A new book I’ve been writing on Adsense
  • Several specific downloadable guides to my methods

And keeping with the spirit of the project, I’m going to try my best to make all those things available for free.

Look for them to start rolling out in the start of the new year. In the mean time…

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

PS..if you liked this, or any of my articles, please share them below on facebook, twitter, digg, or whatever social networks you like. Spread the word good people!!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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