How Fast Should You Build Websites?

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

I’m gearing up for this years camping vacation next week. I look forward to this all year…just me and a dozen friends on some boats in the middle of nowhere for a week. You can’t beat it! I’ll be gone all next week, so there won’t be any blog posts then…

Today I want to talk about something that troubles a lot of people, namely – build speed.

Building an Adsense empire requires websites, lot’s of them. One of the questions I get asked most often here is “how fast should I build websites?”.

How Fast?

Some people believe that building too many websites too quickly is a red flag to Google. They think that if you build hundreds of sites a day using some of the automation methods I’ve talked about here – Google will think you’re building spam sites and either kill your adsense account or ban your sites from the index.

It’s a valid concern…

Some of my readers like to focus on building a small number of sites per day…say one to five. Many others shoot for ten to twenty.

Schedules are good, I think it’s a good idea to have daily goals. But I don’t think it matters in the eyes of Google and the world. You won’t get penalized for throwing up sites too quickly.

What Do I Do?

Personally I always wait until domain names come on sale. When Godaddy has a .info domain sale for $.66 cents each I usually swoop in and buy a thousand or so.

When that happens I’ll usually throw up a couple hundred sites per day for a few days in a row…of course, I use the bot that I built to create those sites automatically.

I’ve never had any problem throwing up large numbers of sites very quickly.

Of course, I’m talking about thin sites. Thick sites take longer to build because you have to write or hire someone to write quality content and that takes time.

So my rule of thumb is to have a schedule for productivity reasons (building whatever number of sites a day you can manage) but don’t curtail your building in order to fly under the radar of Google.

That’s all for today…Keep on building!

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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