Google’s Up To Something!

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Hope all of you in the U.S. remembered to roll the clocks back this morning. And I hope you enjoyed the extra hour of sleep today, I know I did!

File today’s article under the “Adsense Journal” category; I don’t really have anything interesting to say today except that I’m pretty sure Google is up to something. That or I’m still just a little tipsy from last night.

Ever since Panda devoured my websites at the end of September, adsense earnings have been down nearly 60% every day from the prior months highs. It’s been a combination of lower site traffic being sent from Google, but also (oddly enough) less being paid out in advertising.

But for the last few days I’ve noticed something strange.

My sites are reviving…

Slowly but surely, I seem to be getting some of my lost ranking back…and what’s stranger, advertisers are paying more too!

Let’s brake down November so far and see what I’m talking about.

November 1: $38.63
November 2: $50.68
November 3: $45.55
November 4: $40.44
November 5: $53.50
November 6: $46+ a little after noon

Those couple of $50 days have caught my attention, but it’s really today’s earnings of over $46 just a little after noon Chicago time that’s got me excited.

$40 ish was pretty much my average day in October, and to have that by noon today fills me with hope, especially when taken with those two other $50 days this month.

Not only that, but cost per click seems to be up on the average as well…seemingly by over 20%! I can’t give you the exact figures because that’s against Google’s terms and conditions for the Adsense program.

I have no idea why cost per click is up like that. Are advertisers gearing up for the holiday season already? Seems a little bit early for that…I don’t really know what to make of it.

What does it mean?

I have no earthly idea…Google might be up to something. Maybe they’re tweaking the algorithm again. Maybe it’s just dumb luck. Maybe it’s a daylight savings miracle, who knows!

Maybe tomorrow things will go back to the way they were and earnings will be $35 bucks. Whatever it is, I’ll keep an eye on it and report back as the month continues.

In the mean time, tomorrow I plan on beginning to crank out a bunch of new websites. I haven’t finished the bot that I was working on that will create sites for me automatically, so I’ll have to do it by hand…but that’s ok.

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

Edit: The day ended at $74.31. Now we’re getting somewhere! Hopefully these numbers continue!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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