Friday Mailbag

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Friday! The weather really took a turn here last night in Chicago and our nice 80 degree days are now gone. It couldn’t have lasted anyway, but it was nice while it did!

I’m running a 5k race tomorrow, my first, and hopefully it will warm up a little bit between now and then.

On to the Adsense! Every week I get a ton of questions from readers, and I answer all of them as soon as I can…but I thought it might be nice to dedicate a specific day every week to answering questions in a blog post.

After all, if one person is asking a particular question, many of you might also be curious about the same thing. So from now on, I’ll continue to answer your questions when you send them to me (use the contact form on the website) but then also every Friday will be mail call day on the blog.

Question 1:

From Mary H. “…what kind of web hosting do you use to host all your Adsense websites?”.

That’s a great question that I’ve been meaning to write a full blog post about. I’ll probably expand this to a full article later next week, but in the mean time I use an Essential VPS account at Servint. It comes with 60Gb storage, 1Tb monthly data transfer, and 768Mb of ram. It costs around $49 a month.

Right now I’ve got 300 websites sitting there and it does just fine speed wise, but as I add new sites I’ll be upgrading to more powerful VPS accounts, and then eventually a dedicated server.

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server and it’s better than a regular webhosting account, but you share that account with other people. For instance, they take one actual web server and then slice it into many “virtual” servers. So you don’t control the entire server, you share it with others. That’s fine for a while, but as you add sites you’ll want to be able to tap into the power of an entire server without sharing resources with others…

I’ll talk next week about why Servint is a great webhosting company, and give you some alternatives and thoughts on companies you should stay away from.

Question 2:

From Terry P. “How can you have 300 sites? It takes me forever just to build 5!”.

That’s a great question Terry. I can crank out so many sites because I automate as much of the process as possible.

When I add a new site to my VPS control panel, the server adds all the template files, graphics, and everything to build the structure of the site itself. I tweaked my server to do this, but it’s really easy to do and I’ll explain it in detail in a future article. Basically all I have to do after that is go in and tweak a few things and the site is good to go.

And I’m also working on building a bot that will automate even more of that process. I’ll talk more about the bot as I finish it.

Keep those questions coming, and in the mean time….keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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