Dare To Create Thin Sites Now?

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Well we finally got some rain here in Chicago last night. Isaac has been dumping rain on the midwest, and it’s only just now hit us. I actually got caught in it as I was ducking into the subway last night, which was kinda fun.

My thin sites continue to revive…yesterday they brought in $25.68 in Adsense earnings, $2.40 in Shopzilla earnings off 27 clicks and 7,188 impressions, and $3.60 in Amazon commissions off 4 orders of $59.96 total.

All in all that’s $31.68 for the day, which ain’t too shabby!

Work on the new MarketingFool.com Insiders website continues…I’m putting the finishing touches on a tutorial about configuring your web server’s .htaccess file in order to auto generate millions of pages for a thin website. It’s the cornerstone of my thin site strategy and I’ve never explained it here on the blog before.

Dare To Create Thin Sites?

If you’ve been reading my blog very long, then you know all about the rollercoaster I’ve been on with my thin sites. Sometimes Google loves them and money pours from the skies, and sometimes Google hates them and the money dries up completely.

Right now, it seems like Google is beginning to LIKE them again.

So the question remains…should you start building Thin Sites again? Or should you stick to more safe and secure Thick Sites?

You Should Do Both!

Creating the right mix of thin and thick sites is essential to any Adsense Empire. Your portfolio of websites should be as diverse as you can make it.

The great thing about thin sites is that they can be created for little to no money, instantly, and in great quantity. If Godaddy is running a sale on .info domains at $.67 cents each, then 100 info sites costs just $67.

You can throw them up by using templates and the techniques I discuss in this blog in just one afternoon.

On the other hand, Thick sites take more time to create….maybe as much as a week or more.

A Good Strategy…

A good strategy is to always be building a thick site…always. But keep an eye on Google and Godaddy. When Google starts to like thin sites again (And you can find out by reading my blog every day!) and Godaddy is running a sale on .info domains…jump in.

I always keep a list of potential .info domain names handy to purchase so that when the signs are right (Google is happy and Godaddy is cheap) I can instantly jump in, buy my domains, and build the sites within minutes.

And all the while I’m always working on a steady stream of thick sites in the background.

I find that strikes a good balance.

On the other hand…when Google is REALLY loving thin sites…I’ll stop work on everything else and crank out as many as I can, as fast as I can…hundreds…thousands…or more. But that’s a strategy for another day.

Keep on building!

John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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