Creating Strategic Thin Keyword Pages

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

I’ve been running ragged since launching my Marketing Fool Insiders website yesterday, I’m completely overwhelmed by the response! I want to thank all of you who jumped on board with membership…we’re going to have a lot of fun and hopefully make a lot of money together!

Today I want to talk about structuring thin sites; specifically creating and naming the pages within your thin site.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I autogenerate millions of pages within each of my thin sites. Insiders can read EXACTLY how I do that by reading my Thin Site Secret Weapon tutorial (part one and two).

Basically it has to do with a simple .htaccess trick that allows you to type any file name onto the end of your URL and then have a page autogenerated.

For instance, if your site was and you wanted to create 3 pages about red widgets, blue widgets, green widgets…you would simply need to create a sitemap page with these three links:


Then whenever anyone clicked on any of those links (or if the Googlebot indexed any of those links), the .htaccess trick would create those pages on the fly.

I’m over simplifying it for the sake of brevity, but you can read all about it in detail as an Insider.

So How Do You Pick Those Pages?

In my example, I picked red, blue, and green widgets. But how do you pick real keywords for your real site?

I like to use the free Google keyword tool. It will usually return about 100 results for any keyword you type in. But if you have a Google account (gmail, google+, google analytics, etc) then whenever you login and use the keyword tool it will return up to 800 results.

I like to download those 800 keywords into an excel file, then copy and paste them into a text file and re-write them into URL form.

So if the keyword tool returned the keywords red widgets, blue widgets, and green widgets….I would rewrite them as:

  • /red-widgets.html
  • /blue-widgets.html
  • /green-widgets.html

and then upload that list of links to my website’s sitemap.

Walla…in the blink of an eye you have a website with 800 pages of what Google things are the absolute MOST RELEVANT keywords for your site.

It’s a great way to theme your site quickly and easily. The hardest part is going through that list of 800 keywords and re-writing them (adding dashes and .html to the end of each one).

Luckily I’ve written a simple tool that will do that for you automatically. You just paste in your list of keywords straight from the Google keyword tool and click a button, and the tool returns your keywords formatted as links and ready to paste onto your website.

The tool is located here and is available absolutely free for all Marketing Fool Insiders.

If you aren’t an Insider yet, you should really sign up today…membership costs just pennies a day.

Keep on building!

-John Elder
The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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