Christmas Adsense Madness

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Welcome to the middle of the week, this one seems to be flying by! The Panda recovery continues, yesterday I had a pretty good earnings day…not quite as good as pre-panda but it’s getting there.

Yesterday saw $74 in Adsense earnings and $20 in amazon affiliate commissions, off $307 in purchases. That’s $94 for the day which isn’t too bad. Much better than the $40 days I saw last month after Google did their thing.

I want to apologize for not getting back to a lot of you who have sent me questions in the last few days. It’s a little hectic around here getting ready for my moms visit today, but I *will* get to your questions as soon as I can.

Today I want to talk about a phenomena that most adsense and affiliate insiders already know about. It’s something that gives us all a warm fuzzy glow every year. I’m talking about Christmas…or more specifically, the Christmas holiday shopping season.

It feels like Christmas!

Something happens around this time of the year, every year. Site traffic spikes, and advertising and affiliate earnings shoot through the roof. Why? Because people start spending obscene amounts of money on gifts for their friends and families, and more and more of that is done online now.

Of course, advertisers start to compete fiercely for those shoppers, so cost per click rises across the board as advertisers try to outbid themselves to grab market share. It’s a beautiful thing…

It’s important to position yourself…

So here’s the deal. You want to create a BUNCH of new websites dedicated to all the things people are going to want to buy this holiday season, and you want to time it just right so that those websites make it into Google right before the holiday shopping starts.

When does the holiday shopping start? Well anywhere from now till the beginning of the new year.

Is it too late?

No, we’re on the cusp right now…but if you crank out a bunch of websites within the next few days – week latest – then you can still take advantage of the madness.

Just how crazy is it? Well to give you a small idea…last year I had a few old adsense sites that I had sort of set aside for testing purposes but never got around to doing anything with. They were pulling in about $10-15 a day in adsense earnings; roughly $200-$400 a month. Over the holiday season last year they jumped up to about $900.

And that was OLD sites that were lost in Google’s index. And don’t even ASK how much money the sites that I especially created for the holidays earned. It really was Christmas in the Marketing Fool household.

What kind of sites?

You don’t have to put a whole lot of thought into it. Anything people might be buying for the holidays is something you can make a website out of. Don’t do anything special with the site, just use the same tried and true methods that I talk about on this blog to create your holiday sites.

You don’t have to use a special red and green holiday themed template or anything like that. Just use your regular templates etc.

You’ll see a nice spike in adsense earnings, and also a nice spike in amazon affilaite commissions as people actually BUY more items from your sites.

So get started, and let’s all have a happy holiday season! What are you waiting for…

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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