Adsense Motivation Methods

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Today I want to talk about something a little bit different than usual. It’s sort of related to building an Adsense empire, but you could probably classify it as business motivation more than anything else.

Adsense is a tricky business because of lag time.

With just about any other business, you get instant or near instant results. Run an advertisement on Facebook in the morning, get a bunch of new customers by the end of the day. Send out an email to past customers telling them about your new product, get orders immediately.

Adsense is different… For one thing, it can take weeks or more to get a new website indexed at Google. And then when you do start making money, Google doesn’t pay out till the end of the following month.

It’s hard to stay motivated!

I think one of the reasons why many people are unsuccessful with Adsense, is because they lose interest during the course of all that waiting.

Staying motivated, and continuing to build more websites even when the ones you’ve already made haven’t made any money yet because Google hasn’t gotten around to indexing them can be frustrating.

And then add Google algorithm changes into the mix, and it can seem damn near impossible.

Here’s what I do…

I can’t take credit for this little tip, I learned it from someone else who learned it from Jerry Seinfeld the comedian. Most people know that he wrote the majority of his material for the hit show Seinfeld, for years.

After he started making millions and millions of dollars, someone asked him how he stayed motivated to keep writing day in and day out.

He revealed a simple secret that I can tell you right now through experience, works amazingly well!

He said the secret was to get a big wall calendar, one that has every day of every month for the entire year, all on one big sheet. Think big “poster sized” calendar.

Every day Seinfeld wanted to write X pages of material. When he finished writing X pages, he would draw a big red X on that day of the calendar. Since the calendar was right up on his wall in a very prominent spot that he would see everyday, he was motivated to keep that string of red X’s going.

A gap in the red X’s from skipping a day of writing would stare him in the face every time he looked up in his office.

It’s stupid, but it’s great motivation and I use it myself. Every day I have a series of things that I want to do for my adsense empire. That might be create X number of sites, research X number of new niches, buy X number of new domains, and of course…write a new blog post for this website.

When I get them all done each day, I put a little red sticker on the calendar. That stupid little act motivates me to keep going day after day. Even when I’m sick, even when I don’t feel like working at all…I see that stupid calendar and I think…”man, I’ve got to knock this work out so there won’t be a gap in the stickers”.

And it works

My calendar recently fell down and ripped so I had to get a new one (note: buy a laminated one like the new one I just bought). It cost about $25 at office depot or one of those office supply stores. Here’s a picture.



That calendar sits directly above my computer on my desk so that I see it all day long, every single day…taunting me. Seinfeld used red marker, I use red stickers (mostly because my new calendar is laminated and marker wouldn’t really work on it).

As kids we’re conditioned that putting stickers on things equals a job well done. Remember in grade school getting a sticker on your homework for a job well done? It’s ingrained in us, even as adults. Might as well take advantage of it!

It’s the number one tool that helps me to….keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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