5 Step Adsense Blueprint

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Today I want to give you a quick and easy 5 step plan that you can follow to get your adsense empire started. It’s not meant to be all inclusive, instead it’s meant to give you a good general starting point, organize your thoughts, and get the ball rolling so that you can get on the path of making serious Adsense cash.

Before you get started you have to ask yourself one question: Do I want to build a few sites and make a little money (sort of test the waters) or do I want to start out making hundreds of sites?

I’m going to proceed under the assumption that you’re going to make tons of sites (but I’ll make a comment here and there for those wanting to start out slowly).

Step 1: Choose Niches

You can’t really build websites if you don’t know what those websites are going to be about. Most people obsess over niche selection to the point where it becomes a serious obstacle. I don’t spend a whole lot of time on it.

Sure you can use keyword research tools (both paid and free) and you can spend hours searching for that perfect golden niche, but I tend to take the shotgun approach. Since you’re building hundreds of websites, you’ll need hundreds of niches and you really can’t afford to obsess over each one.

Start out by identifying broad categories of product based niches. Like Golf. Then narrow it down to subcategories within that niche. For instance, you might choose:

Golf Clubs
Golf Irons
Golf Woods
Golf shoes
Golf shirts
Golf balls
Golf bags
Golf tees
Golf socks
Golf hats

You get the idea. Each of those items represents a website you’ll create. It’s that easy.

Step 2: Set Up Webhosting

If you’ve got a particular web hosting provider that you’ve worked with in the past and feel comfortable with, go with them. Personally I use Servint for my adsense empire, but also recommend Hostgator for people just starting out who aren’t as familiar around the backend of a web server.

If you’re serious about starting an Adsense empire, then I suggest you start out with Servint’s Essential VPS package that runs around $50 a month and is easily upgradable to more powerful VPS options and eventually to a full dedicated server option when your Adsense empire grows to the thousands of sites range.

There may be a bit of a learning curve if you’ve never worked with a VPS setup before, but you might as well put in the effort to learn now at the beginning. It’s well worth it in the end.

Step 3: Register Domain Names

Once you’ve got your niches selected and your webhosting set up and ready to go, it’s time to register your domain names. I suggest Godaddy because they often offer $.67 .info domain sales, and even when they aren’t on sale you can usually pick them up for a couple bucks.

I always recommend .info domains instead of .com .net or .org domains because of the massive price difference and because of the fact that (contrary to what most people think) .info domains get indexed just as well at Google and produce just as much Adsense revenue as .com’s .net’s and .orgs.

Just do the math;

  • 1,000 .com domains at about $10 per domain = $10,000 in domain registration fees.
  • 1,000 .info domains at $.67 per domain = $670 in domain registration fees.

That’s math you can’t argue with. Go with the .info…if I’m wrong and it doesn’t work, you’re only out $670 anyway.

Step 4: Design A Basic Site Template

I use the same basic site template for every one of my Adsense websites and you should too. Personally I hand code the HTML for my sites because that’s more flexible and allows me to do all kinds of tricky php things to enhance my sites. But you can also use wordpress. In that case, for this step, determine the specific wordpress theme you’ll be using for each site.

With Servint I put my template files in a specific directory on my server, then each time I add a new domain name, the server configures and deploys the template automatically. You can do the same sort of thing with wordpress using some third party cloning solutions that I’ll talk about some other time because they’re more advanced than the scope of this article.

I could write a book about creating good site templates for your Adsense empire, but if you root around on my website you can find some helpful articles. Basically you want to automate as much as possible so that you don’t have to go in there and tweak things by hand too much for each site you build. More on this later.

Step 5: Crank Out Sites

The last thing to do is crank out sites! I do this by logging into my Servint backend and adding each new domain name to my account. My webserver then deploys my site template, I do any tweaking I need to do, and that’s it.

Then I use a really basic indexing software to submit each new website to a handful of places like pinging services and the social bookmarking sites that can be done automatically. This is not to get search engine ranking, but rather, just to let Google know that there’s a new site out there that they should take a look at. I find it speeds up the indexing process a little bit.

And that’s all there is to it!

Obviously this is a broad blueprint for starting an Adsense empire, but hopefully it’s motivating enough to get you started and off on the right foot. There’s really nothing stopping you from crushing out your own Adsense empire. Why not just start out with 100 sites;

  • 100 .info domain registrations at $.67 ea = $67
  • One month Servint Webhosting at $50 = $50
  • Total cost = $117

What are you waiting for?

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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4 Responses to “5 Step Adsense Blueprint”

  1. Thoufeeq

    24. Dec, 2011

    Hey thanks for this awesome blog.

    I just can’t believe that .info domains still rank well in SEs. I have never tried one before. Anyway, its good to know.

    As your subscriber, I really would appreciate if you could talk in detail about the php template, your content template (the general sales template that is used in all sites) plus the way of doing it in an HTML site rather than a CMS based one.

    I have read the posts marked as “adsense posts”. So please come up with those blog posts I requested, and am sure a lot of other readers might be requesting the same, right?

    Thanks again.
    Waiting for those updates…

    Reply to this comment
    • The Marketing Fool

      09. Jan, 2012

      Hey Thoufeeq, thanks for reading, glad you’re enjoying it!

      Yep, info’s continue to rank perfectly at Google. And at $.67 each, you can’t go wrong.

      Yes I’m definitely planning to write about what you asked in greater detail soon. But you’ve also go to realize, that it doesn’t really matter. I’m not successful because of the specific template I use, and I’ve already written articles showing my exact html site layout (as a picture) and described what I do (ie spin one article for every page).

      What I mean to say is, it doesn’t matter what templates you use, or how you spin the content. Virtually any template will work…just keep it simple and use the basic layout that I’ve shown in my articles. *shrugs* you can do it using html sites like I do, or wordpress, or joomla, or any other CMS… the trick to my success is churning out hundreds of sites.

      So build a couple….test out templates. Find one that generates $.50 cents to $1 a day in adsense earnings. Then just clone it, buy a few hundred .info domains, and toss up those sites. That’s all there is to it!

      Keep on building!!

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  2. Christina

    16. Jan, 2012

    Hi John,

    The more research I do on people’s approach to creating adsense sites, the more I realize that it is more of a numbers game. Gurus talk about painstaking process of selecting a keyword and then using high dollar tools to analyze it. I thought that I needed to do that, so I’ve spent the last four days doing like they are and it has been a show stopper. Analysis paralysis (and I was on such a good roll getting 6 sites our a day too) The thing that struck me this morning was listening to one of their recent podcast of how they research it, they plugged in like 10 different keywords and realized that none of the data was consistent and all the “scientific” approaches they use to get a good keyword seemed to be failing them. Then they admitted that in 10 sites they set up, 6 weren’t doing much, 2 might get less than a dollar and 2 might turn out to be $1/day winners…that’s a lot of work for a crap shoot. So, I’m going back to churn and burn like you do (well, not quite like you do because I do use wordpress and I don’t have the automatic keyword part.) You have mentioned that one day you will walk us through your php keyword trick. Until you have time to do that, is there a resource you can point us to read up on to help the site with automatically generating the keywords? Thanks!

    Reply to this comment
    • The Marketing Fool

      16. Jan, 2012

      Hey Christina!

      You’re exactly right, it all comes down to the numbers. That’s why I use .info domains and html sites. I can literally crank them out by the hundreds at virtually no cost and little time and then just see what sticks.

      I don’t have a resource I can point you to for the keyword trick…but I’ll really try to get a tutorial written on that asap.

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