7-Step Internet Marketing Roadmap
By John Elder
Every business is different, and marketing should be specific to each business…but there are a few broad steps that nearly everyone should follow when engaging in any kind of Internet Marketing. Today I’ll discuss my broad 7-step Internet Marketing Roadmap.
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Internet Marketing Unleashed!
By John Elder
It’s time to get back to basics and delve into the deep mysteries of Internet Marketing. In this series of articles we’ll discuss all the major aspects of Internet Marketing from the ground up! From email, social, and direct marketing to SEO, PPC, Tracking and Conversion and everything in between!
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Does SEO Still Exist In 2014?
By John Elder
With all the changes at Google over the last year, many people question whether or not SEO still exists. Learn the answer here…
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How To Sell BOATLOADS of Kindle Books
By John Elder
How did that 17 year old sell 400,000 copies of her vampire novel? How did that housewife hit the $3 million dollar mark on her romance novels? If you don’t know this simple strategy, you probably aren’t making the killing you should be with Kindle Books…
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I’m Back! Did You Miss Me?
By John Elder
I’m Back! Did you miss me?! I’ve got big news to announce, and lot’s of changes that I think you’re really going to get a kick out of! So, can one guy start an online Internet Marketing School? Find out…
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Do You Know These 20 Golden Rules For Making Money?
By John Elder
By: John Elder The Marketing Fool! When it comes to making obscene amounts of money online, there are basically just two ways to approach it… You can either learn specific skills and tools to create income streams; or you can take a more broad approach and learn the basics of success in general. Personally I […]
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My PHP Book Just Hit #1 At Amazon!
By John Elder
Hello good people! So my book “PHP Programming For Affiliate Marketers” just hit #1 on the Best-seller List in the: Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Computers & Internet > Programming > PHP Category And you can download it for free today! (regularly $9.94) The book teaches affiliate marketers how to program in […]
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My New Social Media Book Is Out!
By John Elder
Hello good people! Wow! I want to thank all of you who responded to yesterday’s special engagement offer both for the flood of warm words and well wishes, as well as the ton of you who took advantage of the offer and signed up for your lifetime membership as a Marketing Fool Insider. I’ve reached […]
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I Need a Yes or No…
By John Elder
Hello good people! I’ve got some exciting personal news that I think you’re going to enjoy because it means a big windfall for you! I’m getting married! Yes, the Marketing Fool has found the one and I couldn’t be happier. I’ll spare you the mushy details and get right down to the bit that concerns […]
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Portal Site Blow Out!
By John Elder
Hello good people! I don’t have a lot of time to write today, but I wanted to check in with a quick update to let you know what’s going on with my adsense sites at the moment. I’ve got two things to tell you about today. First off…right now my Portal websites are really breaking […]
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