October Adsense Earnings

By: John Elder posted in Adsense Earnings

Hello good people!

Talk about a terrible month! This was the first full month of the Panda update disaster and the numbers pretty much reflect the carnage that Google did to my sites.

Though, to tell you the truth, the numbers could have been a lot worse. Traffic was cut nearly in half, earnings dropped by more than half, and amazon numbers were a disaster as well.

I don’t put all the blame on Google, it’s my fault too. I took off most of September and didn’t build any new sites. Had I built throughout September, it’s very likely that the numbers would have been similar to other months.

And I knew that would happen… in fact, I haven’t built any new sites in October either. I got tied up with some other projects and haven’t had the time.

But believe me, November is a whole other matter!

I’ll dive into these numbers in greater detail later on a blog post…but for now, let me just summarize them:

Adsense Stats:
Number Of Websites: 300
Page Views: 67,047
Earnings: $1,404.70

Amazon.com Affiliate Stats:
Total Sales: $5,054.65
Total Commissions: (at 6.50%): $329.20
Items Shipped: 90
Items Returned: 2

So this month’s total earnings come to: $1,733.90
or about $55.93 per day.

Like I said, compared to what a lot of other people went through with Panda, these numbers could have been much worse. So in that regard, I’m happy. But it will be mid December before I start to see income rise to past levels from the new websites I’ll start cranking out this week.

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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