Other Uses For Bots With Adsense

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

Welcome to another week of Adsense fun! It’s Monday and, oddly enough, warm again here in Chicago. This has really been just the most bizarre winter weather-wise I can ever remember. Not that I’m complaining about 45 degree temps in January!

The weekend continued with devastating Adsense earning numbers. Friday ended with $30 in Adsense and $4 in amazon commissions. Saturday saw $37 in Adsense and zero in Amazon commissions. Sunday was a paltry $26 in Adsense and $6 in amazon commissions.

So for the last three days that’s a total of $93 in Adsense income and $10 in Amazon commissions…or significantly LESS than one day of earnings in December. This is just what happens when you stop building!

Luckily the sites that I built in December are earning exactly what I’d expect them to earn. And I’m throwing up hundreds of new sites using my automated bot. So I’m confident earnings will be back up next month.

Speaking of my bot…today I want to talk about other uses for bots with Adsense sites.

What is a bot?

There’s lots of definitions for a bot. Basically it’s any automated software system that you create. You can build them programmatically using computer code like PHP, PERL, or any other programming language. Or you can use tools to build them. It doesn’t really matter.

When I talk about bots, I’m talking about UBot. If you don’t know about UBot I highly suggest you check it out.

UBot is a drag and click tool for creating a bot (no computer programming needed). Basically anything you can do online, UBot can make into a bot. It’s especially good at filling out forms online.

So what can you use it for?

I’ve talked a lot about the bot I just built that completely automates the process of creating new web sites. It works pretty simply. I create an excel spreadsheet with like 4 columns in it. In the first column I list all the domain names for the sites I want to create (one on each line). Next to the domain, I type the Main keyword of the site. On the next line I put the amazon product category for the site (ie SportingGoods or HomeGarden etc).

That’s all the work I have to do. My bot then opens that excel file, goes line by line creating a website for each domain I have listed. It logs into my webhosting account, creates the new site account, uploads the files, customizes the sites based on the keyword I’ve listed in the excel file and the Amazon product category, then submits the site to a few places online so that Google can quickly index the new site.

My UBot bot does all that in seconds. You can literally create 100 sites in just a few minutes.

But what are some other things you can do with a bot?

Making a bot to build your sites is a major sort of thing, you can build smaller bots to do simple things too.

One of the things about building hundreds or thousands of sites is that you can’t always monitor things for each site. What happens if you build 100 sites and 20 of them don’t get indexed by Google?

How would you even know? Unless you go through each site and check them at Google every couple of weeks (something that would take HOURS) you’d never know.

You can build a bot to do that for you! Its really easy, I built one that took me about 5 minutes to build (it’s all drag and drop when building bots). What it does is go to Google and enter in this command in the search box (site:yoursite.com). If your site is indexed, Google will return a list of all the pages of your site that are indexed. If your site isn’t indexed, it returns nothing.

If your site is indexed, the bot goes on to the next site in the list of domain names you give it to check. If your site isn’t listed, it submits your site to a few places online like ping sites and directories that should jumpstart Google into indexing the site. It will also make a note of the site so you know which of your sites are indexed or not.

You can run that bot every week or so to check all your sites.

And that’s just one example of things a bot can do. Basically anything you do online that’s boring and repetitious can be done by a bot. They’re a great time saver!

UBot has built in modules that make posting to social networks like facebook, twitter and the rest a breeze. If you put your mind to it, I’m sure you can think of reasons to automate your social activity! It’s just great!

What’s the downside?

There is a downside. UBot is pretty expensive. It costs like $250 (you can usually find $50 off codes if you search around the net a bit). Still, $200 is quite a chunk of money.

There’s also a bit of a learning curve involved. Once you figure it out, it’s the easiest tool in the world to use. But figuring it out takes a little work. Luckily it comes with lots of video tutorials that explain exactly how to use the software step by step.

And you can always ask me if you don’t understand something or can’t get it to do exactly what you want.

The point is, I highly recommend UBot. It’s expensive, but not if you value your time. Before UBot it would take me a whole day of mind numbing boring tedious work to make 100 new websites. Now it takes 5 minutes. That’s more than worth the one time cost of UBot.

And every day it seems like I’m thinking of new ways to use it to automate tedious tasks. Check Out UBot today

Keep on building!

The Marketing Fool!

PS..if you liked this, or any of my articles, please share them below on facebook, twitter, digg, or whatever social networks you like. Spread the word good people!!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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2 Responses to “Other Uses For Bots With Adsense”

  1. Mike B

    06. Jun, 2012

    Ubot is awesome, such a powerful tool and has helped me automate so many things…thanks for the post.

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    • The Marketing Fool

      06. Jun, 2012

      It has a bit of a learning curve, but once you figure it out there’s virtually nothing you can’t do. I use it for so many different things, I’m not sure what I’d do without it. It’s pricey but well worth the cost.

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