Creating Infinite Pages Method 2

By: John Elder posted in Adsense

Hello good people!

I woke up to sheets of rain sweeping Chicago and near 50 degree temperatures today! It’s just my luck that we get such great weather in December but it gets ruined with rain!

You’ll have to forgive me because I’m moving a little slow today, went out for happy hour yesterday with my girlfriend around 4 in the afternoon and didn’t get home till almost noon today. It’s the Adsense lifestyle, what can I say!?

Earnings took a dip yesterday, only bringing in $82 in Adsense revenue and $3 in amazon commissions (off 3 items purchased at $37). That’s a total combined earnings of just $85 for the day which is quite a bit lower than recent norms. But dips are expected and I’m not worried about it. In fact, I can tell already today that earnings are going to be higher, so all is well.

Yesterday I talked about how to mess with wordpress’s search.php file to essentially create infinite content pages automatically. And before that I talked about how to Spin Content.

Today I was going to talk about the actual modifications you need to make to the search.php wordpress file in order to pull off what I talked about yesterday.

I’m not sure that I’m going to do that now, or at least not yet. I though it might be better to just create a template search.php file and let you download it and use it yourself. The problem is, I don’t have one handy…I’ll need to make one and that’s going to take a little while.

So I thought…

Instead I thought I’d quickly mention another way to do what I talked about yesterday. This second method might be a little easier. I call it my 404 method.

Most wordpress installations come with a file called 404.php

Whenever someone comes to your site through a URL that doesn’t exist, wordpress calls and shows the 404.php page, which basically says something like “We’re sorry, the page you’re looking for no longer exists”.

Try it on my site, go to

That page doesn’t exist, and you’ll see my 404.php page.

It’s easy to modify the 404.php page (much like we’ll modify the search.php page) but doing it this way makes the URL’s a little easier on the eye. looks better than like in yesterday’s example.

Modify The 404.php page

There are only a couple of modifications that you’ll need to make to the 404.php page. First, you’ll add in your spun text article and spinning code (that I’ll show you how to do in the next few days) as well as your adsense code, and second you’ll need a bit of code to snatch the keyword from the URL so that you can pass it as a variable throughout the spun article (which I’ll also show you soon).

After that, just create a sitemap somewhere on your website with links to whatever “pages” you want; ie:

Those pages won’t exist, so when Google spiders your sitemap and tries to go to those links, wordpress will call your modified 404.php page, show your spun content, and adsense ads, and essentially create each of those pages on the fly. Google will index them all and that’s that!

The point is, there’s lots of different ways to skin a cat. The 404.php method is pretty easy, the search.php method is a little trickier; but they essentially both do the same thing.

More soon, in the mean time…

Keep On Building!

The Marketing Fool!

PS..if you liked this, or any of my articles, please share them below on facebook, twitter, digg, or whatever social networks you like. Spread the word good people!!

John Elder is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Writer with over 28 years experience creating & running some of the most interesting websites on the Internet. Contact him here.

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3 Responses to “Creating Infinite Pages Method 2”

  1. Hendry

    15. Dec, 2011

    Great job,John.
    Do you mean the same page may show different content loaded every time?
    If this is the truth,do you worry the approach can be easily seen through once Google sends a manual review.Many people like to use html.Could you please explain how to apply this method to html?

    Thanks so much!

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    • The Marketing Fool

      15. Dec, 2011

      Hi Hendry,

      Sort of…it’s hard to wrap your brain around it without seeing it in real life…which is why I think I’m just going to have to throw up a test site to show what I mean exactly.

      It’s the same page in wordpress (404.php) but we’ll put our customized spun article in there so that every time wordpress calls that page and shows it to someone, the text will be slightly different. And we’ll also customize it per the keyword called. So will show our 404.php page with the spun article interspersed with the keyword powertools and will show our 404.php page with the spun article interspersed with the keyword tractors.

      Yes, a Google quality manual reviewer will see through it in a second. But that’s always a potential problem and we don’t really care. That site might earn $50-$300 before google reviews and bans it (if they ever do), at which time I’ll have launched 200 new sites!

      The Googlebot, however, will NOT see through it and will happily index all the pages we tell it to.

      I will probably eventually explain how to do the same thing with html. I use html and it’s a lot easier to do this with html. The reason I’m explaining it with wordpress instead of html is because most of my readers seem to prefer wordpress. I would never use wordpress for my sites because it’s a resource hog that takes up too much server space.

      I can put up 1,000 html sites that will take up less space and server resources then 10 wordpress blogs…but to each his own!

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      • Ian

        17. Dec, 2011

        I coming to the same conclusion that simple HTML sites are the way to go.
        The time wasted messing around with WP updates and themes and plugin etc… drives me crazy!!

        I’ve gone back to Dreamweaver and set up some server side includes for the navigation.

        Like other people, I have been over thinking it.
        Cheers for your words of wisdom.

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